Monday, December 12, 2011

making wholewheat bread

Maybe beginning with an intro would have been more appropriate. But what the hell, when it comes to food, it's best to just dive in.

My friend D came over the other day and we made bread together. It looked beautiful, but didn't taste as good as it usually does (maybe I put too much yeast). Will make more and post as I relearn whatever breadmaking talent I've forgotten. I swear I had it though - my parents and grandparents will testify.

The truth is that good bread makes itself. All you need to do is lend your hands, literally.

Awesome photograph courtesy my awesome friend from Pluto

We also made a mess of the kitchen. And we made memories the color of gold. 

Please come again, D.


  1. I am excited about what the next food item is going to be: a salad, a cake!, pizza, some more bread!!!, or perhaps some lemon jest wala buns ;)

  2. let's try salad flavoured cake style pizza buns topped with lemon zesty bread crumbs. :D

    as long as nobody has to eat it. heheh.

    we were so close the last time with our crazy concoction of a bun.

  3. Lovely lovely lovely.

    This is yummmy (in George's words!).
    Keep cooking. keep posting.

    Want to read more, see more...yummmm.

    PS: Next time Im assuming that the "D" youre talking about will be ME! You can talk about who has inspired you etc :))))

  4. D!

    I miss you whenever I make food!

    And yep, a post dedicated to you will soon come up!

